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Dream House

10/1/2020 - Baton Rouge - Baton Rouge
Chapter: LSU - Delta Iota, Alabama - Gamma Pi

Cindy Morgan Stewart, LSU, joined Kappa in 1979 and lived in the chapter house. It’s one of her fondest memories and where she built a sisterhood that remains with her today. Fast forward to 2015, and Cindy drew upon the love she had for living in the house when she was asked to join the House Board at Delta Iota Chapter, LSU. She agreed — if she could do some landscaping and fixing up. One of two licensed architects on the House Board, Cindy soon recognized that the house, built in the 50s, needed some work.


Kappa Kappa Gamma Elects International Officers During First-Ever Virtual Business Meeting

Chapter: Monmouth - Alpha Deuteron, Syracuse - Beta Tau, Valparaiso - Eta Delta, Tulsa - Delta Pi, Drake - Gamma Theta, Nebraska - Sigma, Mississippi - Delta Rho, Central Florida - Eta Eta, Iowa - Beta Zeta, Georgia Southern - Zeta Upsilon, Florida State - Epsilon Zeta, Oklahoma - Beta Theta, Lawrence - Zeta Epsilon, Emory - Epsilon Epsilon, Illinois Wesleyan - Epsilon, Miami - Delta Kappa, UC San Diego - Zeta Nu, South Carolina - Epsilon Kappa, North Carolina - Epsilon Gamma, Waterloo - Zeta Omega

COLUMBUS, Ohio (June 27, 2020) — In households across the globe, over 300 delegates of Kappa Kappa Gamma came together virtually to conduct the business of the Fraternity during its 73rd Biennial Convention.



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