Wait, Sisterhood Isn’t Automatic?


In college, our sisters were never far. They were in classes with us, lived down the hall, or were just a short walk away. We had access to them almost all of the time. Building new relationships, spending time together, and creating sisterhood came naturally at that point in our lives. Then, we graduated, started careers, found partners, moved far away, or became parents. In short, life started to happen. And all of a sudden, sisterhood seems almost impossible to just “find.” But we need it now more than ever. Almost two-thirds of us feel lonely every day. So what do we do? How do we find the kinds of friendships we had in college? How do we connect meaningfully with others in our busy lives? Where do we find the sisterhood we so crave?

Find out during a virtual conversation with Tina VanSteenbergen on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 12:30 p.m. ET. We’ll talk about how to tangibly build the friendships we all need in our lives — the sisterhood we all deserve. This training is available for all Kappa volunteers.


Our Guest Speaker

Tina VanSteenbergen

VanSteenbergen has been speaking professionally since 2013. Her message is fairly simple: Women need women. To be successful in the workplace. To feel understood. To feel less alone in the world. And that’s the message she flies thousands of miles to share. Her speaking style gives women permission to open up, have honest conversations and connect. With a combination of authenticity, storytelling and humor, VanSteenbergen has been able to help thousands of women tear down the walls we’ve built between us. Together with her audience, she helps women build relationships with one another, believe in themselves, and take up space at companies, campuses and organizations. Her work sets her soul on fire. So does a good nap, an excellent pour of bourbon, a peaceful and reflective sunset flight, and, of course, her husband, her son, and her dog. 


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